Our Specialized Programs

Mi Amado

Mi Amado

End Stage Renal Disease

End Stage Renal Disease

Transitional Palliative Care

Transitional Palliative Care

Mi Amado

We employ Spanish-speaking staff across all of our disciplines, from the liaisons who first meet with families; to the nurses, hospice aides, social workers, and chaplains who provide direct patient care; to the support staff in the office.

Through our language capabilities, as well as our understanding of Latino culture, beliefs, and traditions, we are able to help Latino families overcome their reluctance to hospice care and to have a positive end-of-life experience.

Our Mi Amado program empowers Spanish-speaking families to better understand what is happening, to be heard, and to have their unique needs met.

End Stage Renal Disease

ESRD patients with Medicare Part A can continue to receive dialysis treatments while on hospice care if an alternative hospice diagnosis is available.

This program is effective because we proactively communicate with the patient’s nephrologist and dialysis center to prevent unnecessary hospitalizations. Additionally, we offer pre- and post-dialysis nursing and hospice aide visits for symptom management and comfort.

We are adept at managing symptoms unique to dialysis patients. Lastly, our staff is trained to discuss goals of care in relation to dialysis.

Transitional Palliative Care

Our Transitional Palliative Care program is focused on a high-risk patient population with multiple chronic conditions and frequent hospitalizations who are not quite ready or appropriate for hospice care.

We have developed a detailed admission criteria for each disease process to ensure that patients coming onto our Transitional Palliative Care program meet eligibility requirements.

The primary goal of this program is to promote maximal functionality by encouraging compliance with the patient’s existing care plan, provide quality symptom management, and make referrals to available medical resources in coordination with patient’s PCP and health plan.

Our Transitional Palliative Care program will utilize telehealth to increase frequency of patient visits and increase our patient contacts.

Proudly Serving Southern California

With offices in Downey, and Simi Valley, Mediq Hospice & Palliative Care serves a broad geographic area covering most of Southern California.

With Mediq Hospice & Palliative Care,
We Can Make a Difference