The Hospice Care Team


Med­ical Director


Our med­ical direc­tor works closely with our patients’ physi­cians, and with the hos­pice clin­i­cal team, to develop an indi­vid­u­al­ized plan of care that effec­tively man­ages pain and symp­toms and max­i­mizes comfort.




Our nurses are skilled and com­pas­sion­ate pro­fes­sion­als who pro­vide hands-on care. They mon­i­tor the con­di­tion of our patients and they work closely with their physi­cians and our med­ical direc­tor to man­age pain and symp­toms. Our nurses edu­cate the patient and fam­ily and demon­strate care at the bed­side and they pro­vide guid­ance and sup­port to help you and your fam­ily under­stand the ill­ness and its progression.


Home Health Aides


Our cer­ti­fied Home Health Aides are avail­able to help with per­sonal care. They can assist with bathing, groom­ing, dress­ing, toi­let­ing, and select other tasks.


Social Worker


Our social work­ers are avail­able to pro­vide emo­tional sup­port and help with prob­lem solv­ing, finan­cial issues, and planning.




Our chap­lains offer emo­tional, spir­i­tual, reli­gious and exis­ten­tial sup­port to all mem­bers of a patient’s cir­cle of care. It is their job to find out what might be needed to put a patient and fam­ily at ease, and to help bring that about. They also pro­vide expert bereave­ment coun­sel­ing to our families.




Our trained vol­un­teers are an impor­tant part of the hos­pice team. They offer emo­tional sup­port and per­sonal com­pan­ion­ship and allow for the care­giver to have some much-needed respite.

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